There is no substitute for understanding the question pattern for success in the entrance exam. To solve all the complex questions in a short time, understanding the pattern and applying the right strategy can keep you ahead in the admission war. Previous year questions are divided topic wise in each chapter of Lecture BookApp. So from the beginning of admission preparation this book will help you to understand the correct question pattern and solution strategy along with the textbook. Integrated Mobile Application ‘brritto’ with Lecture BookApp provides ‘Learn’ and ‘Test’ feature to learn book questions anytime and anywhere. Also, ‘Progress Tracking’, ‘Leaderboard’ and ‘Live Exam’ will give you extra advantage in the preparation of admission exams.
Varsity Admission Book, Books, Varsity Admission KHA
Varsity Kha English Admission Test Question Bank++
Original price was: 400.00৳.295.00৳Current price is: 295.00৳.
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Book Features
- Previous Years’ Ques. Analysis
- Topic-wise basic Concepts
- Recent years’ Ques. Solutions
- Self-Assessment
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